A song can be more than words and music. When sung with soul, a song carries
you to another world. Young buds with great talent in singing, here's
your opportunity to stage your performance in solo as well as in band.
" What sculptors do is represent the essence of gesture. What is important
in mime is attitude." - Marcel Marceau. If you think you're the Next
Marcel Marceau or Charlie Chaplin, grab your chance at charade.
Take an image, freeze a moment, reveal how rich reality truly is.
From professional to beginner photographers, this is perfect platform
for you to awaken the photographer in you.
Drawing is another form of language to express nature, creativity, and mankind.
If you have the flair for drawing, participate to get recognised and compete for
the title 'The Picasso'
Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. it often employs rhyme and meter.
Poetry was once written according to fairly strict rules of meter and rhyme, and each culture had its own rules.
Be it a short film or a short story, the important thing is the message
you bring up. Silver Screen is the event for all the emerging directors
with energy and talent and feature you work to get recognised.